Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Panas & Gemok

At this particular moment in time – about a month after the birth of my daughter -- I have a closetful of jeans in a variety of sizes, none of which fit. My breasts are so saggy that when I look in the mirror I see Opah ( sorry opah) and images of her flashing her boobs and declaring proudly that she has breastfed eight children, while they hang down very dangerously close to her waist.. In other words, I'm not feeling especially hot. The last thing I need is people telling me that if I’m not careful I could end up looking erm macam ‘mak mak’ mcm ‘mak orang’ mcm ‘makcik’ eh bodoh ke korang nie! I’m a mak and a makcik already to begin with!

I know I should not let this kind of crap take a swing at my self-confidence!

But I really need time, it took nine months to gain this all this weight so I would need at least nine months to lose all of it back. And I don't get this culture that obsesses about how much people weigh to begin with, I just gave birth for crying out loud, nobody gets back their post-pregnancy figure like a month after, NOT EVEN YOU.

I still think I'm doing kinda of okay and my progress has been good, even if I'am not back to my original weight (yet!) not that its any of your business to begin with. So there will be no marathon workouts and eating only raisins, I'am doing it my way.

SO. Get off my back, and please don't give me unwanted advice unless you look like Angelina Jolie-

1 comment:

emilalala said...

give my sister time ppl!! kah2. jom gi jogging2 n jalan2 when i get back? will reply ur email asap.very2 busy! im perempuan berkerjaya now... hahaha. cleaner kt high school yg bnama friars. good money! good, good money ^.^