And yes these things make me go crazy and I shouldn’t be so VAIN. But I’am so there.
Besides that I feel exhausted. I didn’t know that such a little person can be so much work!! She’s been home a week but to me it seems like a lifetime (I’m not complaining just simply amazed that a 3kg human can take so much out of you)
Plus there is so much to learn, and I did not have a clue that breastfeeding would be super challenging and would hurt!I guess the most useful advice I got was from Kak Shikin, who told me to sleep a lot during my late pregnancy as your sleeping patterns would never be the same. SO TRUE!!
The thing that is making me a bit blue is the operation I had which makes me wayyy too dependent with everyone around me – I hate being dependent and not being able to care for Ayra properly. But everyone around the house have been helping me a lot, terima kasih daun keladi – but I wish I could do the most of the regular things on my own like giving Ayra a bath, cuddling her while walking, and taking a bath! (Ish I hate not being mobile. )And I hate not being able to properly bathe since I have to keep the cut dry so that it would heal properly.
Taking a bath now takes me more than an hour its like a whole ritual where I have to cover the incision with plastic that’s used to cover food, so that it stays dry and then after my bath I need to use a hairdryer to dry the scar further. I can’t bend yet so which makes everything complicated.
I have to use ‘suam’ water which is boiling water mix with cold water to bathe and I’am still bleeding - so I need to change pads, and then because of the suam water my breast leaks as well so then I need breast pads ( I feel very padded mcm ice hockey punya goalie!) By the time I’am done and feel decently clean, Ayra needs to have her bath which is like a major workout and I start sweating again…..SIGH.
How does Angelina Jolie look so so good damn it, I hate her.
Assalamualaikum! wink wink tee hee. No big eyes but still adorable none the less. At least I think so, tak kisahla whatever people want to say heh!
My sister emil called the other day and I couldn't layan her properly and was not really my drama crazy self because they were guests in the house!! Sorry Emil -- I love you!!! tapi susah la nak gossip byk byk when there's people around. Actually I have like a thousand things to tell you - - - can't wait till you can come back and meet budak kechik nie!!! Oh and kinda posted a byk jugak piccies for you to see. Suka tak?