Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ehem. I decided to bake buns.

So much has been happening to yours truly for the past few months, it would be impossible to squeeze them into one single post. But i'll try anyway.

Well.... after all the talk about buns in the oven, here I'am expecting a little someone of my own. I only got to know of my pregnancy, when I was about 2 months preggers, before that I was just feeling extremely tired and had vicious mood swings that drove the poor hubby nuts. Insyallah if everything goes well, me and afiq will be welcoming baby in February 2009.

Now I'am in my 5th month and its Ramadhan, so far fasting has been okay except for the occasional gastric attack. I'am thrilled that I get to fast for a month and I don't have to ganti my fast next year. hehehe.

I also bought myself a laptop. So now I'll be able to post more regularly and add pictures and stuff. Salams till the next post. ;-)

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